Friday, June 09, 2006

In Honor Of The World Cup

First off thanks to Hearwax for reminding me to get this off my chest...

Being in the States you'd hardly know that one, if not thee greatest sporting event in the world has started today. Of course I'm talking about the 2006 World Cup. On this side of the pond we're too preoccupied about athletic competitions that matter only to Americans to pay any attention to an event that the rest of the world holds their breath for in anticipation. Personally I don't understand why there is a general lack of interest for this global event and in many cases it embarrasses me that the American sports fan is disinterested.

I was in Ireland in 1994 and got my first taste of World Cup mania and honestly it was a life-changing experience. My wife, who was only my girlfriend at the time, is of Irish decent (her Mom emigrated to the U.S. when she was 21) and we were spending a week in Dublin visiting her family who are surprisingly close being 3000 miles away. The match that I got to witness first-hand, or on television actually, was Ireland versus Italy. Unfortunately the pub workers were on strike and we couldn't actually submerge ourselves into the pub atmosphere that would have really been conducive to this experience but nonetheless we got a taste. With most of the extended family plastered to Aunt Marie and Uncle Buddy's TV, sipping on a few cans of Carlsberg, I witnessed something that the majority of Americans haven't understood for quite some time no matter how hard they wave the stars and stripes and proclaim their love of country. I saw unrivaled patriotism, pride and joy that to me is what the World Cup should instill in all proud people from whatever country you're from. When the match was done and Ireland had beaten Italy 1 - nil people erupted out of their houses and into the streets singing and yelling and to this day it still chokes me up thinking about how happy and proud a single football match had made these people... World Cup Football has that effect I guess... I'm just an American what would I know?

Well you're probably asking yourself, what does this all have to do with reggae? Well I'll tell you... Dennis Alcapone. Here for your listening pleasure is the Dennis Alcapone single on the Empire label called appropriately "World Cup Football."

Dennis Alcapone - World Cup Football 12"

Best of luck to whichever country you're backing! Since Jamaica didn't make it I'm actually rooting for Trinidad and Tobago, I've always been a sucker for an underdog! Especially one from the Caribbean. I see myself spending a lot of time in the next few weeks at my man Joe's house... he's a Londoner and Chelsea supporter who moved to the U.S. about 5 years ago and I know Direct TV is gonna be tuned to the matches non-stop!


  1. Nice One reggaexx, this looks like an interesting 12", never heard of it before.
    The American disinterest in the World Cup has always been puzzling to me, but then any country which calls a competition "The World Series", when only home teams compete, has got to have problems :)
    I also hope Trin & Tob do well (as long as it's not at England's expense!)

  2. nice post. as long as our brothers stay safe and out of the reach of the racists trying to taint this event.

    great track. my voice is insured for half a million dollars. with inflation, that at least twenty mil now.


  3. Hearwax, I know exactly what you mean... I don't know how baseball can proclaim their championship as the "World" Series any longer... there are teams in Japan and Latin America that would give any Major League baseball team in the U.S. a run for their money - they definitely could make it a true World Series but I don't think we'll ever see that happen...

    Outta, I bought this record about 8 years ago after I heard it on a mix tape I received from someone. I found it online from a record seller in London and paid a fair price for the record but a damn fortune for an international money order and shipping. Sadly I have to admit that I'm not feeling confident with T&T playing Sweden in the first round but stranger things have happened. :-) The "Soca Warriors" have definitely got their hands full...

    Vik, that racism shit over there is really disturbing! I'm praying that there are no violent incidents that will taint the tournament.

  4. Al Capone guns don't argue!
    Nice track Reggaexx.

  5. but back to soccer...
    juh watch the game?
    trinidad is smokin hot!
    held off sweden down a man for the whole second half! and their goalkeeper is freaking amazing.
    MVP of day two so far, no contest...

  6. I remember that match with pride and joy! Sitting in a mates house in Donaghmeade with some bad Dublin hash... twas a nice day as well if I remember correctly..

  7. Interesting that you didnt pick a track from "Scientist Wins The World Cup"

    I liked the chicken scratch victory dance the Togo player did the other night.

    Oh and reggaexx, you really overestimate Japanese baseball teams. Most of em coulnt even play in the minors in the US.
