Thursday, November 02, 2006

Coming Up... Election Day Politricks Mix

Next Tuesday November 7th is Midterm Election Day here in the United States, as many are probably well aware, so in honor of this day I've started piecing together a mix. Now it's not going to be as involved as the Halloween mix (I just can't seem to find too many Election Day sound effects albums) and no where near as long - It's looking to be about 30-35 minutes and will be available for download next week.

Now if you're a regular reader you know I've never used this blog to espouse my political views and assuredly you never will... I detest politics and I'm completely disinterested in anything political so don't worry, you're not seeing the makings of Reggaexx's new and improved Democracy In Action Blog! I've been so disgusted with the situations both down in Washington and with the inner-workings in my home state of Maryland that I've turned off completely! But that is another story for another blog... since a lot of Jamaican music, especially reggae, deals with matters of political interest I thought this would be a perfect time to pull out a few songs to share with everyone. Of course the themes and issues explored within these songs are directly referencing concerns in Jamaican society but as is the case with most Jamaican music, there is a relevance and familiarity which transcends geographical boundaries.

So far the mix includes such diverse artists as Buju Banton, The Ethiopians, Admiral Bailey, Barry Brown, Johnny Osbourne, Lovindeer etc. and I think it'll put you in the mood to stand in line at the polls. Better yet, I hope it'll give you inspiration when you cast your ballot for which ever slimy, corrupt, hypocritical, thieving candidates you've perceived to be the lesser of the two evils. Check back next week!


  1. Hey Outta - Johnny Osbourne will definitely be in the mix! And yes I do have "I Am That I Am."

  2. I've got in on CD... I don't know if I've ever heard of it available on vinyl.

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    The one which springs to mind is 'Thief, Liars And Criminals' by Cultural Roots.
    I guess I'm as cynical about politics as you are :)

    Looking forward to it...


  4. Thanks for all the recommendations! The one song I really wanted to include was "Politricks" by Cornell Campbell but I can't find it anywhere online and if I order the CD I'll never get it in time! Oh well... guess I'll just have to go with what I have but, I am amazed at how many of suggestions are already in the mix! I'll be posting the complete mix on Monday morning so those here in the States can let the vibes soak in before heading out to the polls!
