Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Music Coming Soon... I promise!

Hello all! I checked the blog today and notice it's been nearly 3 months since I posted anything... I will be remedying that in the very near future! I've finally gotten reunited with my music and have started to make sense of the haphazard fashion in which I had packed them for my move... I will also be able to spend quality time with my Mac and my beloved GarageBand and have got quite a few ideas bouncing around in my head! Hold tight... I see an upcoming rub-a-dub mix and some more music from the Blue Riddim Band in our near future!


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Thats must be feeling realy fine that you reunited with your music.

    Keep the good work up !

    Greetings RR

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Nice one, my friend... I hope the move went smoothly.

  3. Christofari9:14 AM

    VERY pleased to hear the news.
    I sincerely hope - if I'm not reading too much between the lines - that attaining such quality time hasn't meant too much sacrifice (yeah, like couldn't we ALL balance the yin with the yang a little better?!).

    All power to you, Reggaexx.
    Very best wishes and solidarity from London UK, as always
