Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Album "Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan" - Or Is It?

Keeping with the Yellowman on this post... Available for your listening pleasure is the 1982 Joe Gibbs release "Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan" which in all actuality should have been titled "Toyan Has Arrived With Yellowman And Ringo." This just serves as a prime example of producers and record companies trying to capitalize on the hottest thing at the time by predominantly featuring Yellowman when he only has 3 tracks on the album. Not to mention the fact that Ringo's song "I'm Getting Married" is credited to Ringo and Yellowman and two of Toyan's cuts are intentionally miscredited to Yellowman on the sleeve.

This isn't the only Yellowman LP I have that includes some shady mislabeling... if you think Superstar's sleeve credits are bad you should check out the Yellowman album "Confessions" on Vista Sounds. This release features Yellowman's image on the cover, Yellowman's name on the label and definitely not Yellowman's voice on the record. I was so pissed when I bought this album nearly 15 years ago... I bought it in London never even hearing it, carried it all the way across the Atlantic thinking I had found a long lost Yellowman treasure with songs that I hadn't heard before and it turned out to be someone else! Damn you Vista Sounds! Oddly enough though the album of early DJ stuff is pretty good... it's Purpleman produced by U-Brown, as Harry Lime corrected me (thanks) but definitely deserves a proper re-release giving credit where credit is due.

But anyway... here is the album "Toyan Has Arrived While Joe Gibbs Threw A Couple Yellowman Tracks On This Album To Boost Record Sales And Threw In A Ringo Track To Fill The Space On The A-Side" or "Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan" whichever you prefer. Enjoy!

Superstar LP


  1. that's what it was! It had been such a long time since I listened to it or read anything about it... thanks for the correction Harry!

  2. Harry - sadly I don't have any of the records you're looking for... I'm just gonna go away and hang my head in shame now... :)

  3. The one track I've been after on this album for 20 years is Toyan's Come fi mash it. Can some on please post this, would appreciate it.
