Friday, March 23, 2007

Check This Out! An Original King Tubby Speaker Box Sold On Ebay!

I don't remember how I came across this, my 5 and 6 hour Ebay searches for reggae music are rather few and far between these days, but nonetheless I did. You can check out the completed auction link here. Yes... I'm going to come out and admit that I am now the proud new owner of this original King Tubby's speaker box!! And if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell ya! No I'm definitely not in a financial situation to be bidding but damn do I wish I could. It's hard enough explaining to the wife about the record sized boxes that arrive in the mail on a consistent basis... I couldn't imagine explaining this being left on the front step?

This is an item worthy of the collection of the Smithsonian - it's such a rare and amazing artifact it's a shame it isn't in a museum! I know I'd pay a few bucks just to get up close and personal with the weathered speaker box and just imagine the bone jarring, foundation crumbling bass this cabinet had produced. What mythical ground breaking tunes were projected from these aged cedar walls?

It's a shame the fledgling
Museum of Jamaican Music hadn't been in on this... it's definitely a piece of Jamaican musical history that should be preserved and it kind of saddens me that whoever bought it will be moving it out of Jamaica away from where it all began and where it would have been best to be displayed for future generations of Jamaicans and Jamaican music fans to see and admire.

Enough soap box for today - see you next week with a new musical post! Maybe I'll put together a King Tubby mix in honor of the speaker box...


  1. i'd just shy of sell my soul to have heard that speaker box in action back in the day. would be a very cool thing to own...

    a king tubby mix? yes please.

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    you know the king tubby mixes of dr. auratheft?

  3. I have heard Dr. Auratheft's King Tubby's mixes - they are excellent! If my mix is remotely as good as his I'll feel as if I really did something right!

  4. Wow, nice speaker box! God bless Ebay and all its random stuff!

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    A Box? Isn't the correct terminology a cabinet? :)
    Now that I would really love to see rolled out on to the BBC's Antique Roadshow.
    Anyone make out what it says across the lower front?

  6. Yes a cabinet would be the correct terminology but from what I've read and heard in many songs they call 'em boxes down in JA! :-)

    Hey if it ever comes up on Antique Roadshow - you gotta get me a copy!! I'd be nearly positive that even with all the varied authorities they've got on their staff they'd really screw this one up! They might appreciate the weathered patina and the fine Jamaican cedar craftsmanship but I'm sure its significance in regard to reggae history would definitely be lost.

    Oh, if says Hi Fi across the lower front... hey like I said I've been studying these pics! ;-)
