Monday, October 01, 2007

Halloween Mix 2007 Track 1 - The Crystalites' Ghost Rider

The Headless Horseman, he's the ghostly rider we all know and love and he starts off this year's Jamaican Halloween Mix... kinda. To those who are new visitors to the blog and or Jamaican music in general, you may find it odd that I've juxtaposed an 1820 Washington Irving short story with a fairly wicked early 1970's instrumental reggae song but I offer a word of advice... in order to really enjoy this mix some may need to suspend their pre-conceived beliefs that reggae all sound the same and that those who perform this music are only capable of revisiting the same similar subjects adnauseum. Give it a chance I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Well enough about the disclaimer...

The first song we're going to hear is called "Ghost Rider" by Derrick Harriot's studio band the Crystalites. I've added some embellishments that enhance the spooky aspects of the tune as well as an introduction from Alfred Hitchcock from a 1960 kiddie album called Ghost Stories For Young People, just to get us off in the right direction.

Track 1

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    this is one promising track! Great, and im looking forward for the upcoming songs.
