Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Jamaican Halloween Spooktacular 2015 - Track Four - Evil Spirits

Reverend Tom Frost is a musician, a singer, a songwriter and his blog Spread The Good Word, along with his bone-chillingly superb Halloween mixes were a huge inspiration in getting me started in doing my own ten years ago.  Reverend Tom lives in Paris France and aside from his skill in compiling great mixes, he performs and records his own brand of blues, rock, country, gospel that really kicks ass.  Often compared to Tom Waits and a "young, belligerent and drunk Jerry Lee Lewis," Reverend Frost is the real deal!  He's got a new release coming out this month called "The Lame Shall Enter First," and he promises, it’s gonna be good. And groovy. And weird.  Check him out here!

"Hello, I’m Reverend Frost. The mighty John asked me, on a dark and stormy night, to write something for his annual mighty Halloween Spooktacular mix, while I was doing my bloody annual Halloween mix, and believe me, I was bloody honored. Well, a little bit of history here, The Mighty Invaders were a bloody popular reggae band on the Baltimore music scene in the bloody early eighties. They even opened for the mighty Clash. I knew the album for years, and ‘Evil Spirits’ is the kind of song that almost got me haunted by Reggae. So, - I knew you were going to ask me -, if you’re in the midst of evil spirits, the best way to get rid of them is to say "get thee hence behind me Satan", plus, chant a Psalms (a sea chanty for example, or John Zacherley’s ‘Happy Halloween’), and don’t forget to read your Bible a chapter a day, Gen 1 - Rev22 - evil spirits have a harder time getting to those who are under the teachings of the most High. But try not to be TOO high. It’s illegal. Anyway, don’t miss this Halloween Spooktacular, ‘cos it won’t miss you! Thanks John! MUWUHAHAHAHAHA!"

The Mighty Invaders - Evil Spirits - 2015 Jamaican Halloween Spooktacular Track Four

1 comment:

  1. great tune; never heard of this band before
