Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 172 of 365 Day Jamaican Music Challenge - Rita Marley - One Draw

Do I wish those who celebrate today with the consumption of mass quantities of cannabis a "Happy 420" or is a "Merry 420" the preferred salutation?  You know, I actually have to laugh because I have become that square guy fruitlessly trying to sound "in the know" with Herbalist speak even though I wouldn't know Lamb's Bread from King's Hawaiian Bread... Let me put it to you this way, everything I've know about marijuana I learned from reggae music.  But enough about that... let's get to today's tune.  The 171st track in the 365 Day Jamaican Music Challenge is one of my favorite ganja tunes; Rita Marley's "One Draw."  Recorded at Tuff Gong and released in 1981 as a 12" on the Shanachie label and featuring a near dizzying array of musicians and personnel behind the scenes, it's a fun song with an upbeat rhythm that doesn't quit and for today, the lyrics couldn't be any more appropriate.  Enjoy!

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