Monday, July 04, 2016

Day 247 of 365 Day Jamaican Music Challenge - The Revolutionaries - Sweet Version (Sweetie Come From America)

Today is kind of a big deal here in the U.S... it's the 4th of July AKA Independence Day and for me today is gonna be a little odd.  You see, this is only the second time in my 44 years I have spent a July 4th away from my hometown and the traditional festivities that surround this day; the pancake breakfast, the watermelon eating contest, the frog jumping contest, the cookout, the parade, the fireworks.  Yeah I know, it all sounds kinda Norman Rockwell and probably pretty lame to some but it has been a part of my life since I was in a playpen amidst the crowd of oohing and aahing fireworks spectators assembled on the baseball fields of the old Bel Air High School and in all honesty I'm going to miss being there.  But this year, thanks to getting bumped out of the previous week on the vacation schedule at work, I have to get out of my element and try something different.  Oh well, it will be a learning experience I guess.  But you're not here to hear me give you a warm-hearted, nostalgic recollection of the way life used to be, you're here to hear what track I pull up next.  So in celebration of 4th of July I have gone with something "American."  No, I'm not going with John Phillip Sousa or a stirring rendition of "God Bless America," I'm going with the Revolutionaries and a little thing called "Sweet Version."  You see "Sweet Version" is the flip-side to Well Pleased And Satisfied's "Sweetie Come From America" and in my opinion it works well celebrating Independence Day... even if it's in a roundabout kinda way!  The video of course contains both sides of this wicked 1977 High Note single but the mix will just feature the version. 

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