Thursday, October 13, 2016

Day 348 of 365 Day Jamaican Music Challenge - Yellowman - Mi Kill Barnie

The great Winston Foster AKA Yellowman is up next obviously on the same My Conversation riddim we've been groovin' to so far this week.  It was with this song, "Mi Kill Barnie" or "Death Of Barnabas" that Yellowman captured the attention of fans in Jamaica and which helped him win the Tastee Talent Contest in Kingston, as the legend goes.  This response to Lone Ranger's "Barnabas Collins" is so damn witty it's nearly as good as the original!  Produced by Ruddy Thomas and originally released as a single on his Ruddy T label and as a discomix following the smooth tune by singer Black Skin called "Two Many Women For One Man," in 1982.  So sit back and relax, if you can, as King Yellowman engages in an epic battle against the forces of evil and the sadistic Barnabas Collins!  Now it would be at this point that I would send up a red flag to let you know a "spoiler" was coming but I figured by the title alone you can easily determine the end result.

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